Firstly..Angkor What is actually just a pub on the imaginatively named Pub Street in a town in north west Cambodia called Siem Reap, this happens to be close to Angkor wat,
Next to the Wat though, is the city Angkor Thom, which is a bit more Tomb raider especially the Bayon which is covered in 54 carved heads of the God King.
There are loads of Ancient temples and structures in the area and you'd probably get bored of seeing them long before you'd run out of new ones. We've spent 3 days here and have decided that that's enough temples for a while. The most impressive temples we discovered today whilst cycling around the jungle roads; were built by the 7th King in the 10th centuary, such as the tree temple - where Tomb Raider was filmed.
It has been fun here and it feels great to be in South East Asia instead of India; the food, the people, the weather - all fantastic.
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